|font:Courier New||B:0|The Workbook DX4-100 from EPS Technologies packs a DX4-100 processor as its CPU, and this gives it the power to turn in some of the best performance figures of any machine in the group. It has other attractive features--like the 540MB hard disk that has 60 percent more storage capacity than any other unit in this group--but it exhibits a few cut corners that detract from its total appeal.|CR||CR||B:1|1/4^|font:Courier New||B:0|At 11.4 inches, it is the widest notebook in the group. This gives it sufficient space for a convenient keyboard layout, and it's nearly as good as the Epson in this regard. Instead of the trackball provided with some other notebooks, it has a Quick Point device in the middle of the keyboard, and the left and right mouse buttons are conveniently located on the broad wrist rest at the front of the keyboard. |CR||CR||B:1|2/4^|font:Courier New||B:0|On the downside, battery life was only average in our tests, and the warranty offers minimal one-year parts-and-labor coverage. The computer comes with no application software, and most of the bundled utilities were not installed on our evaluation system, which means extra setup work that may be an obstacle for a novice user. Documentation was adequate but very generic.|CR||CR||B:1|3/4^|font:Courier New||B:0|One unusual feature is the built-in sound board. There are jacks for your speakers and microphone, but since the card only has 8-bit monoaural sound (typical desktop sound cards have 16-bit stereo), this feature may have limited practical application. The real reasons to buy the EPS Workbook are its powerful processing, large keyboard, and big hard disk, which make it an excellent value.|CR||CR||B:1|4/4^|font:Courier New||B:0|* 486 DX4-100 CPU|CR|* 8MB of RAM expandable to 20MB|CR|* Hard Disk with 540MB free|CR|* Built-in 8-bit sound board|CR|* PCMCIA Type I, II, and III|CR|* Large, comfortable keyboard|CR||CR||CR||CR||CR||CR||CR||CR||CR||CR||CR|